Welcome friends!

We'll keep you up to date on our crazy tandem adventures... in the hope that you'll help us reach our goal of a dollar raised per kilometer ridden. 100% of donations will go to either Oxfam or Kiva, your choice. (In the case of Kiva your "donation" is actually a loan so you'll get it back!)

Mid-May to mid-August 2010
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia to Bolinas, California

Donate to Oxfam

Please enter "Event #284 Jane Roycroft and Eric Branton" in the comments field so Oxfam can help us keep track of our goal!

 Oxfam Canada believes that people together can create a fair world, free of poverty and injustice. 

A fair world respects the basic rights of all human beings to:

 * earn a decent living to support themselves and their families
* enjoy basic education and health care
* get help in life-threatening disasters
* speak out for their rights
* be treated as equal

From: http://www.oxfam.ca/who-we-are/our-vision-and-mission

We have the opportunity to take several months to see some of the world and strengthen our bodies and minds. Many people, because their basic rights are not met, couldn't dream of having such freedom.

Our journey is broad-reaching, as is the mission of Oxfam. Help us make each kilometre, from coast to coast, count towards the creation of a fairer world.

Click here to donate - please enter "Event #284 Jane Roycroft and Eric Branton" in the comments field

If you don't want to donate online by credit card, let us know and we can arrange another way! We have a paper pledge form we can fill out for tax receipt purposes.