Welcome friends!

We'll keep you up to date on our crazy tandem adventures... in the hope that you'll help us reach our goal of a dollar raised per kilometer ridden. 100% of donations will go to either Oxfam or Kiva, your choice. (In the case of Kiva your "donation" is actually a loan so you'll get it back!)

Mid-May to mid-August 2010
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia to Bolinas, California

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We're combining 3 of the routes on this map - the northern half of the "Atlantic Coast" route, the "Transamerica Trail" until it turns north, and the "Western Express" to San Franscisco! Click the map for a larger image.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Test Ride - one night in Meteghan

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October 2009, Yarmouth to Meteghan (Smuggler's Cove) our first overnight tandem trip on the 1989 Burley Duet.... which broke. Thanks to friendly locals we were able to fix it.